Sunday, November 16, 2014

Attitude Of Gratitude

As I write this, I am sitting at my mom's kitchen table, a hot cup of coffee (unleaded, unfortunately, but that is all my mom is allowed to have these days) beside me and a world of white surrounds me. This is supposed to be the season of giving thanks but from where I sit it would appear the snowglobe has been shaken just a tad. 

Matthew, God love him, has been outside. He plows through the snow piles in the front yard, shoes and all, happier than I can even begin to describe. Youth! Not that I mind winter...or even snow...but I have been known to sing "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow somewhere else!" 

This year, as in past years, I have seen several postings online where the postees participate in what is known as "30 Days Of Gratitude." I liken it to a Reader's Digest version of  the"100 Happy Days" campaign that was all the rage a year ago. I've taken part in "100 Happy Days." I've taken part in "30 Days Of Gratitude" as well. They are both wonderful campaigns with the capacity to get us to dig deeper and discover just how blessed we really are.

However, I am not taking part this year.

I don't know....

Maybe I'm becoming a little more cynical in my old age...

Maybe I'm growing weary of the little facets that make up this jewel called life being taken for granted on what appears to be a daily basis...

Maybe I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to understand how thankfulness and gratitude became once a year campaigns instead of an integral part of daily living...

This past year, without question, has been difficult. These past 15 years? A roller coaster to say the very least...

Two sons were diagnosed on the autism spectrum...

My marriage failed....

Back and forth...back and forth....back and spirit....

Financial I really need to elaborate?...

Coming to terms with Ira's mortality and impending death....

Doesn't seem like there is much to be thankful for, does it?

Ah! But God is good! In the midst of all of this, He is good!

Hot and cold running water...

A job...not a high paying job but a job just the same with a team that has been supportive of my family over these past four years...

My family....

My friends....

More love than I have ever known....

A ministry (Keryx/Keryx In Community) which blesses and reaches those who are otherwise deemed "the least of these..."

Needs being met more often than I seem to be able to get my head around...

...and I could go on....

Thankfulness a campaign?

Happiness a challenge?


Rather these are attributes to be worn as a garment, a covering when the cold sets in. These are whispered prayers or joyous choruses as the storm hits. These are or at the very least should be a way of living, not merely something you mark off on the calender.

As I wrap this up, I think of those I hold dear, those whose presence has made a difference in my life...and I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you...thank you...thank you...

May our blessings continue to overflow!

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