Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thank You Very Much

With Christmas being just a hair over two weeks away, no doubt the air waves are being overrun with the showing of Christmas movies, classics, and modern favorites. At the Clubhouse it just doesn't become Christmas officially without the showing of one of these:
       A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out, kid!)
       It's A Wonderful Life (gotta love Clarence and his quest for wings)
       Holiday Inn
       White Christmas (Bing Crosby ..need I say more?)
    and of course...
        A Christmas Carol
       I have several versions of this classic that I simply love and among them is a musical version starring Albert Finney. His crotchety demeanor and miserly swagger coupled with the sorrow of paying a call to the shadows of his past are nothing short of endearing. Even more comical is watching him deliver a speech of gratitude to a crowd of people indebted to him who intermittently whoop and holler and cheer, not realizing they are doing so because a casket containing Scrooge himself is being carried out of his counting house. The song and dance that follows..." Thank You Very Much..." is catchy, comical, and in a way rather sad. Who knew death could bring so much joy?
I mention this particular number because Matthew as of late has taken rather a shine to this movie and that exact scene. Once upon a time and not so very long ago he would not interact with anything, much less a movie or TV show. If we would put a movie on, he'd leave the room to busy himself elsewhere. So all of a sudden when Dad and I saw him moving his feet, swinging his arms IN TIME WITH THE MUSIC I might add, singing "Thank you very much! Thank you very much!" was a surprise to say the very least.
I see the joy and delight in his eyes with each clap of his hands. His face glows and his eyes sparkle. I watch the way he mimics each move, each step, and how he seems to keep perfect rhythm. I remember the not so distant past when the longest he would sit for anything was maybe 30 seconds and even that was a bit of a stretch. Mimicking, copying, repetition were all unheard of. Singing? Ha! Not even close! Although music is something Matthew has always paid attention to and seemingly enjoyed, it was not something I can honestly say he was actively engaged in. That connection had not yet been made. Not until now...
And for that I say...even after the tenth time of watching it that day....
"Thank you very much!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Way to go Matthew!

    I love "A Christmas Carol" and have a quest to get all the movie versions on DVD :-)
