Sunday, August 11, 2013

Welcome To "The Puzzle Club."

Can you keep a secret?

Sssshhhh.....come closer.....

I am an autism mom. And I have absolutely no clue as to what I am doing!

I've said it!

I became a reluctant member of "The Puzzle Club" when my now 17-year-old son was 4 1/2 years old. Guess what? I had no clue what I was doing then! The word autism to me was not only foreign, it was a word I greatly feared. My understanding was limited, my only exposure was Dustin Hoffman counting down the minutes to Wapner and waxing distress "because these were definitely not his underwear." I remember watching this pitiful yet oddly endearing character and saying to my best friend at the time, "I'm not sure I could handle a child like that." Had I known the challenge I was throwing out to Almighty God, chances are, I would have never uttered those words. But hey, I was young and oblivious to the power of words and even more oblivious to how my life would one day change. In April 2000, my son Matthew was diagnosed with autism. Less than three years later, his older brother Jordan was diagnosed with autism's cousin Asperger's. And life has been one sideways puzzle piece ever since!

I have been reluctant to share my confessions, observances, and overall life as an autism mom until recently. I am not a supermom. I have no miracle cure. My boys have not been "healed" or "rescued" from this enigmatic intruder. I can't offer any new or different information. So what could I possibly have to say that hasn't already been said? Furthermore, does anyone want to hear what it is I have to say?

With that, "The Puzzle Club" and these scribblings have been born. For better or for worse, I am putting it all out there with the hopes that what is shared is will be a help and a blessing to those who receive. While I cannot promise daily scribbles, I will do my best to post on a weekly basis. 

So, welcome to "The Puzzle Club." 
Pick your pieces and together we'll help them to fit!

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